There is a lot you can do with Questions in terms of layout, orientation of rows and columns, sequencing, masking etc. through the Properties window in the Designer section (highlighted in red below)
This section covers all the properties for all question types.
Once you are in the Designer section, click on ‘Basic’ (circled in red) will open a pop up showing all the basic questions and the properties for the same are discussed below.
1. Properties | Single Choice Type Question:
- Number of Items:
By default, when a single choice question is added, there will be only one option by default. Clicking on '+' sign will add the number of items or options of a question. Clicking on '-' sign will delete the options.
- Carry Forwards Items:
To learn more about Carry forwards please Refer Section Carry Forward of Responses.
- Show Option As:
This feature changes the view of the options as in how the options should be displayed. User can change the question options to be displayed as Radio, Drop down or a Select Box.
- Selecting the options as 'Radio' please refer the screenshot below:
- Selecting the options as 'Drop Down' please refer the screenshot below:
- Selecting the options as 'Select Box' please refer the screenshot below:
Tip: User can only edit the options in 'Radio' view.
- Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties:
Hide Question: Ticking the check box of this property will hide the question. Moreover, for user's reference the question hidden will be displayed as a bit faded so that user can clearly know that this question is hidden.
Mandatory: After selecting this property, it does not allow the interviewee to move to the next question without answering the question on which mandatory property is applied.
User can select from the three options:
- Warn before Skip: Selecting this will give an alert if the user hasn't answered but will allow to move to the next question without answering.
- Do not allow Skip: Selecting this will not allow the user until he answers the question.
- None: This is selected by default and by selecting this, mandatory property is not applied.
Tip: If the user has selected the property ‘Hide Question’ then Mandatory property will not be clickable for the user. Uncheck the Hide question and then set the mandatory conditions.
- Properties | Multi Choice Type Question:
- Number of Items:
This feature works the same way as explained above. Please Refer Single Choice Type Question.
- Carry Forwards Items:
To learn more about Carry forwards Refer Section Carry Forward of Responses.
- Show Option As:
This feature changes the view of the options as in how the surveyor wants to display the options. User can change the question options to be displayed as Checkbox & Multi Select Box.
- Selecting the options as 'Checkbox' please refer the screenshot below:
- Selecting the options as 'Multi Select Box' please refer the screenshot below:
Tip: User can only edit the options in 'Checkbox' view.
- Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
- Properties | Text Type Question:
- Show As:
This feature changes the view of the Text box to be Single Line or Multi Line.
- Show as 'Single Line' please refer the screenshot below:
- Show as 'Multi Line' please refer the screenshot below:
- Length:
User can set Minimum and Maximum Length of the text which user can enter while answering the text question.
- If user has selected “Show as: Single Line”:
By default, the minimum length is set to 1 and Maximum length to 100.
- If user has selected “Show as: Multi Line”:
By default, the minimum length is set to 1 and Maximum length to 200.
- Special Text:
There are several special text options available which user can select according to the survey requirement.
None: By default, this option is selected and user can enter alpha numeric in the answer to the text question.
Telephone: Selecting this option will allow the user to only enter telephone numbers. Moreover, this feature gives the option of different countries in a drop down next to this option, selecting by which automatically sets the input format. If user enters some other format then it gives an alert and doesn't allow the user to proceed while doing the survey. Hence it works like a validation of phone numbers for specific countries as shown in the dropdown adjacent to the Telephone option.
Postal Code: Selecting this option will allow the user to only enter the Postal Codes. This option also allows the user to select the specific country from the dropdown adjacent to it. Input format will be selected automatically and will be seen as an example (greyed out) at the time of answering this question. User can also refer the question preview screen to check the same.
Email: It will only allow the interviewee to enter the email address in the valid email format only.
Other: In case the input is not a telephone or email or postal code, this option is chosen. On choosing this, a text box appears where user needs to enter the regex for validating the input field in a specified format.
- Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
- Properties | Number Type Question:
- Number:
Survey designer can set the validation by setting the Minimum and Maximum number allowed to enter by the interviewee.
Tip: If designer sets the minimum value greater than Maximum value then the maximum box is highlighted in red to inform the user that the setting is incorrect.
- Decimal:
There are 2 options displayed:
- No Decimal: This is selected by default. User can select this if he doesn’t want the interviewee to enter any decimals.
- Number of Places: User can set a number which allows the interviewee to enter the number up to ‘n’ number of decimal places.
- Description:
This allows the user to enter a prefix or suffix on the number box. Alphanumeric is allowed for the prefix or suffix.
- Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
- Properties | Date Type Question:
- Date:
This allows the designer to set the Start Date and the End Date which will then permit the interviewee to enter the date between the start and end date set.
There are 2 ways to set the start and end date:
- It can be entered manually.
- There is a dropdown displayed, clicking on which opens the calendar where user can select the Date, Month and Year.
- Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
- Properties | Rank Items Type Question:
- Number of Attributes:
By default, when a Rank question is added, there will be only one attribute added by default. Clicking on '+' sign will add the number of attributes of a question. Clicking on '-' sign will delete the attributes.
- Rank Using:
Designer can apply the Ranks using two methods:
- Number Box: Selecting this will allow the interviewee to enter the ranks as a number manually while answering the question.
- Drag Drop Box: This allows the user to simply drag the attributes in ranking order.
- Attribute Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
- Properties | Sort Into Group Type Question:
- Number of Attributes:
Please refer Working with Question Attributes.
- Number of Groups:
It allows the user to add the number of groups. Clicking on ‘+’ sign will add a column, which is essentially a group. Clicking on ‘-‘sign will delete the column. By default, there is only one column added at the time of adding the question.
- Attribute Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
- Properties | Slider Type Question:
- Number of Attributes:
Please refer Working with Question Attributes.
- Number Range:
Survey designer can set the slider start and end value by setting the Minimum and Maximum number. User can change the number manually or can click on up/down arrow.
- Increments:
User can select a number to set the increment value. By default, it will always show 1 but he can change and set the increment number based on his requirement.
- Attribute Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
- Properties | NPS Type Question:
Other Properties: Please Click Here to refer Other Properties.
Click on ‘Grid’ (highlighted in circle) will open a pop up which will show all the grid type questions and the properties for the same are discussed below.
- Properties | Simple Grid Question:
- Number of Items:
Please refer Working with Question Items (Options).
- Number of Attributes:
Please refer Working with Question Attributes.
- Carry Forwards Items:
To learn more about Carry forwards Refer Section Carry Forward of Responses.
Show Attribute As:
This feature changes the view of the attributes displayed as the side break in the grid question. User can change the attributes to be displayed as Radio, Drop down & Check Box. Simple grid allows the designer to set single and multiple select responses to a question.
- Selecting the options as 'Radio', user can only choose single option and will work as single select. Please refer the screenshot below:
- Selecting the options as 'Drop Down', user can only choose single option and will also work as single select. Please refer the screenshot below:
- Selecting the options as 'Select Box', user can choose multiple options and will work as multi select. Please refer the screenshot below:
Tip: User can only edit the options or the Items in 'Radio' view.
- Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties:
There are four different properties available in Simple Grid Question:
Transpose: Tick the check box and Transpose will be applied on the question. These simply switch the attributes from the side break to the top break and similarly switch the top break into side break. Refer the screenshot below after transposing:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Repeat Header: Sometimes when there are a lot of attributes in the side break, users may need to scroll down till the last attribute. But when he does that, he will not be able to view the number of items. To avoid this, the Repeat Header option, when selected, will repeat the headers after every few attributes/items, so that users can also view the number of attributes. This can be tested in the preview screen.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
- Properties | Complex Grid Question:
- Number of Attributes:
Please refer Working with Question Attributes.
- Number of Columns:
Number of columns is the additional feature shown in the complex grid whereby the user can add multiple columns but each column can represent a different type of response. For example the first column has single choice responses, whereas the second column represents a text or numeric response. Just click on the “+” sign under Number of Columns, to add any number of columns. Clicking on the “-“ sign will delete the column.
By default when the user adds a complex grid question, there will be only 1 column displayed and user can then add multiple columns according to his requirement.
- Column properties:
At a time, properties of only 1 column are displayed and that column is automatically highlighted. If user wants to change the properties of other columns, he needs to select the other column in the middle pane and the same will then be automatically highlighted in the properties section.
- Number of Items:
It will simply add the number of items in a column selected by the user. For example in the screenshot below, 2 items have been added under Column 1. It is like a grouping of items under Column 1.
- Show Item as:
This will display the items as different types:
- Radio: Selecting this will allow the user to select a Single item.
- Check Box: Selecting this will allow the user to select a multiple item.
- Drop Down: Selecting this will allow the user to select a single item in a drop down view.
- Text Box: Selecting this will change the view type to a Text question where user can enter alpha numeric response.
- Number Box: Selecting this will change the view type to a Numeric question where user can enter numeric response.
Tip: User can only edit the options or the Items in 'Radio' view.
- Other Properties:
There are three different properties available in Complex Grid Question:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Repeat Header: Please Click Here to refer Repeat Header.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
- Properties | Numeric Grid Question:
- Number:
Please Click Here to refer Number.
- Decimal:
Please Click Here to refer Decimal.
- Description:
Please Click Here to refer Description.
- Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties:
There are three different properties available in Simple Grid Question:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Transpose: Please Click Here to refer Transpose.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
- Properties | Constant Sum Grid Question:
All the properties of constant sum grid is exactly similar to that of the numeric grid. Please CLICK HERE to access.
There is only one difference in the properties when compared to the numeric grid:
- Total:
There are three options available in this property:
- None: This is selected by default at the time of adding this question. If selected, it means the ‘Total’ property is not applied.
- Row Total: Selecting this will automatically apply the Row total which will sum up the responses and will show as a total. Refer the screenshot after applying this condition:
- Column Total: This will also work the same as mentioned above but will show the column total. Refer the screenshot after applying this condition:
- Properties | Text Grid Question:
- Number of Items:
Please refer Working with Question Items (Options).
- Number of Attributes:
Please refer Working with Question Attributes.
- Length:
Please Click Here to refer Length.
- Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties:
There are three different properties available in Text Grid Question:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Transpose: Please Click Here to refer Transpose.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
- Properties | Distribution Grid Question:
- Number of Items:
Please refer Working with Question Items (Options).
- Number of Attributes:
Please refer Working with Question Attributes.
- Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties:
There are two different properties available in Text Grid Question:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
- Properties | Max. Difference Grid Question
- Number of Attributes:
Please refer Working with Question Attributes.
- Sequencer:
To learn more about sequencer Refer Managing the order in which Questions are shown.
- Other Properties:
There are two different properties available in Text Grid Question:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
Click on ‘Special’ (circled in red) will open a pop up showing all the special questions and the properties for the same are discussed below.
- Properties | Smiley Question:
- Number of Items:
Please refer Working with Question Items (Options).
- Other Properties:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
- Properties | Stars Question:
- Number of Items:
Please refer Working with Question Items (Options).
- Increment Scale By:
Users can only choose between two incremental values i.e. ‘0.5’ which helps the user give responses like two and a half stars etc. and ‘1’ will allow the user to give stars like one, two, three etc.
- Other Properties:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.
- Properties | Like/Dislike Question:
- Other Properties:
Hide Question: Please Click Here to refer Hide Question.
Mandatory: Please Click Here to refer Mandatory.