User's can easily export out survey data by clicking on the 'Data' icon available in Rebuscloud navigation pane and then choosing 'Export' option (highlighted in red) will open the Export Data page as shown below.
User can start with selecting the questions he wants to export. This section is shown by the name 'select questions to export' (highlighted in red).
This will have four tabs: Survey, Sample, System and Calculated.
- Survey: This tab shows all the variables which are created as questions while creating the survey in the Designer section.
- Sample: This tab shows the sample variables containing respondents information like Email, Phone, Name, Location etc. to whom the survey has been sent for data collection. These variables are created in the Distribution section while creating a distribution list.
- System: This tab shows the list of automatic system generated variables while the data is collected. These variables are created in DTS (Data Transformation service).
- Calculated: This tab contains the list of all the calculated variables if any while collecting the data or uploading a data file.
User can select the questions and can drag towards the right section shown by the name 'Selected Questions' (highlighted in red).
The questions which are already moved will be greyed out or disabled from the section 'select question to export' (highlighted in red). User can also delete the questions already selected for the export by clicking on the cross shown next to the question (highlighted in red).
There is search text box displayed at the top of both the sections (highlighted in red) where user can search for specific questions. It is very helpful when there is a long list of questions available.
There is 'Clear All' (highlighted in red) feature available in the section selected question, clicking on which clears all the dragged questions at once.
After selecting the questions, user can now select which respondents he wants to export based on:
1. Survey Status: Clicking on survey status, drop down will open consisting 3 options:
- Partial: Selecting this option will only export data consisting partial surveys.
- Complete: Selecting this option will only export data consisting complete surveys.
- Terminated: Selecting this option will only export data consisting terminated surveys.
2. Review Status: Clicking this option will also open a drop down showing 3 options:
- Not Done: Selecting this option will only export data consisting surveys which are not reviewed by the supervisor.
- Accepted: Selecting this option will only export data consisting surveys which are reviewed and accepted by the supervisor.
- Rejected: Selecting this option will only export data consisting surveys which are reviewed and rejected by the supervisor.
Note: By default, none of the options are selected. If user hasn't selected any option then all the data is exported.
By default, 'No' is selected. Selecting 'yes' will export the multimedia (images, videos etc.) associated with the data. Separate zip file is downloaded consisting all the images etc. collected in the data.
By default, 'Label' is selected which will export the exact labels. Selecting the other option 'Code' will export codes in the data. For example: In a ratings questions, if the option code is selected then labels such as "Very good, good, average, poor, very poor" will not be exported instead codes like "1,2,3,4,5" will be exported.
User can change delimiter settings from this section.
Delimiter: By default, 'Comma' is selected but if user wants to have the exported file with delimiter option then he can select from the available options. Clicking on the text box will open a drop down showing all the options (highlighted in red).
Warning: If user has chosen 'comma' as the delimiter option then ensure there is no comma in the data as export function will treat that as a separate column wherever it finds the comma.
Place Text Between: Usually 'None' is selected in this option. There are other options available in the drop down list like single quotes or double quotes. This feature is helpful, example: if there is 'comma' in the data and still user wants to export the data with option 'comma delimiter' so in such cases, this feature comes in play.
User can select 'single quotes' which will then place the text between single quotes and will accept comma in the data and exports the data as comma delimiter.
Warning: If user has chosen 'single quotes' then ensure there is no single quotes in the data.
User can choose the time period by selecting the start date and the end date. There is a drop down, clicking on which opens the calendar where user can select the Date, Month and Year. The data exported will be then for the selected period.
If user doesn't enter the start date and the end date then by default, latest one month time period is set.
Note: Deselecting the tick from the time period will export the whole data.
User can also apply the filter on the exported data. Logic applied in the filter will then filter out the data and export the same.
Click on Filter (highlighted in red) will open the Logic Builder pop up.
The Logic Builder opens up with AND condition by default and options to add rule where you can specify your logic. Click on “+” sign to add a row where you can specify your logic as shown above.
The added row will contain four fields which has specific contents as below:-
- The First field of the row gives you three options: Survey , Sample data and System.
Choose survey if your logic is based on a question you created in your survey. Choose sample if your logic is based on the sample data and choose system if you want to choose a system generated question.
- The Second Field displays questions. This is dependent on the first field. If you choose Survey in your first field, it will show all the questions that are used in the analysis you have created or the analysis shared.
- The Third field gives you the “condition list” from which you can choose whatever condition you want to apply for your option display logic.
Note: The conditions given in the third Field changes according to the question type selected in Field 1, The conditions remain same for categorical questions(Single choice and multi choice), but differs when selected question type is numeric, text, grid etc.
- The Fourth field displays the question options you selected in the second field.
Click on Done to apply the filter. The entire fields combine together to create one logic based on which the results will be shown.
To know more about 'Logic Builder' please Click Here.
Now, the data exported will be based on the logic applied as shown above.The data exported will be just the respondents who have selected 'Domino's Pizza' in Q3.
Finally after selecting the questions and changing other settings, user can now export the data.
There are two data file format options available:
1. Download SPSS: Clicking on the icon (highlighted in red) will download the file in the SPSS format.
2. Download Delimited: Clicking on the icon (highlighted in red) will download the file in CSV format.
Clicking on any of the above options will add the request to download the data. User will see a pop up as shown below after the export request is added.
To check the request added and download the data, click on the icon (highlighted in red) will open a drop down with several options. Click on 'My Files'.
Clicking on 'My Files' will open a "File Queue" screen where user can see the request added.
There are several columns present in the request queue screen as explained below:
- Delete: Clicking on cross sign will delete this request.
- Download File: Clicking on the icon shown under this column will download the .csv file.
- Error Logs: There are 2 types of logs i.e. "Detailed log" and "Summary log". User can download the logs to check the reason if the export request is a failure.
- Status: It shows the status of the export request. If the request is success then it shows 'success' otherwise it shows 'Failed'.
- File Name: Shows the exported file name.
- File Type: It will always show 'Export' when user has given the export request.
- Process Id: It shows the time stamp. It is always unique and helps the technical team to process the different requests.
- Data & Time Initiated: It shows the date and time of the request added.