Users can build various logic/apply filters into their system at different stages, like during Survey creation, Sample Lists creation, monitoring and tracking a survey and analysis. The filter is applied via the Logic Builder.
A filter can be applied to a Collection at two levels - one, at the Collection level itself and another at the more granular Analysis level.
When a filter is applied at the Collection level, it will be applied automatically on all the analysis created in that collection.
Adding a filter to a collection is done on the home page of the analysis.
Let's show this with an example how it works.
There are two analysis (highlighted in red) of type ('Distribution' and 'cross grid descriptive statistics) created in a collection 'sample' (highlighted in green).
Click on 'Filter' will apply the logic on both these analysis. Clicking on filter will open the 'logic builder' screen.
The Logic Builder opens up with AND condition by default and options to add rule where you can specify your logic. Click on “+” sign to add a row where you can specify your logic as shown above.
The added row will contain four fields which has specific contents as below:-
- The First field of the row gives you two options: Survey , Sample data and System.
Choose survey if your logic is based on a question you created in your survey. Choose sample if your logic is based on the sample data and choose system if you want to choose a system generated question.
For the example that we are considering, choose the option as “Survey”.
- The Second Field displays questions. This is dependent on the first field. If you choose Survey in your first field, it will show all the questions that are used in the analysis you have created or the analysis shared.
- The Third field gives you the “condition list” from which you can choose whatever condition you want to apply for your option display logic.
Note: The conditions given in the third Field changes according to the question type selected in Field 1, The conditions remain same for categorical questions(Single choice and multi choice), but differs when selected question type is numeric, text, grid etc.
- The Fourth field displays the question options you selected in the second field.
Click on Set to apply the filter. The entire fields combine together to create one logic based on which the results will be shown.
To know more about 'Logic Builder' please Click Here.
When the filter is applied then the filter icon the home screen (highlighted in red) gets highlighted to tell the user that some filter is applies on all the analysis.
Now click on any analysis and you will see that the filter is already applied i.e. wherever the question 'what is your favourite pizza company' exists in the analysis, the results will only show for the option 'Domino's Pizza'.
As per the requirement, user can modify or delete the filter:
- To modify, open the logic builder and change the filters. Click on Set to modify the filter.
- Click on '-' sign in the logic builder to delete the filter applied.