Creating an analysis using the profiler allows the user to view the actual data collected i.e. the responses/answers given by the interviewee for a particular question. In profiling, all the data is displayed respondent wise.
The results of this analysis helps the user to not only understand anomalies but helps to assess the quality of the data. It is one of the most effective ways to improve data accuracy.
It allows the analyser to select the questions of his choice to see what has been selected by the interviewee.
After creating the collections (Click Here to know about how to create a collection), click on 'Profiler'.
Clicking will open the 'Analysis - Profile Table' page where user can create a new profile by adding a question to the column.
To add the questions, user can either click on 'right click here to add a question to column' (highlighted in red) or can click on column selector (highlighted in green). Same pop up will open.
Clicking will open the column selector where user can select the questions in order to view the responses.
To know how to use 'column selector' please Click Here.
Let's try to show how this analysis works with the help of an example:
Firstly refer the screenshot of single choice question considered for this example
Select this question in the column selector and move it to the right pane. Click on Done to open the analysis.
Analysis is created showing the answers selected. The data is shown respondent wise.
Blanks here means that particular respondent didn't answer this question.
User can also search if he is looking for anything particular. It works on the column and will display anything that matches with the keywords entered by the user.
Edit Filter:
Click Here to know more about how to use filters.