Assigning a value to a question allows the user to set the response automatically based on the answer in a previous question.

To set value to a question.

Click on the question in the left pane on which you want to apply the set value.

Click on Flow Item

Click on ‘Set Value’ from the menu dropdown.

A set value gets added after the question.

Clicking on ‘set value’, in the left pane, will show a blue box in the middle pane.

Clicking on ‘click here to set up set value’ which will open the logic builder.


Logic builder (highlighted in red):


Clicking on ‘+’ sign will add the rule to apply the logic. Example: If the user wants to apply a logic in a question that belong to survey (selected in 1st textbox), then Question selected ‘How many Sims you have sold’ (selected in 2nd textbox) then apply the condition ‘selected item is’ (selected in 3rd textbox) then choose the items i.e. 40 or more (selected in 4th textbox)


Set value to (highlighted in green):


Question will show the question list dropdown on which you want to set the value to. In this case user selected Q2 and the below dropdown will show all its items being multi select.


User can then choose any option which he wants to automatically set depending on the logic applied.


To apply ‘Set value’ on another question at the same time then user can also click on ‘+’ sign (highlighted in red). Clicking on which will open the same logic builder again.


Clicking on the ‘Advanced’ button allows to write his own script instead of applying the logic by clicking.


Click on “Set” will apply the set value logic and the same can be shown in the middle pane after the question it was applied. User can also edit and delete the set value from the icons (highlighted in red).


To learn more about how to apply various other logic please refer the section “Logic Builder”.