Question Assets act like a repository for questions. Questions can be added or imported from these Assets, while designing surveys.
To add questions to Assets,
- Click on the ‘Assets’ dropdown.
It will show 2 options --
- Add question to assets:
- Import Questions from Assets
- Click on Add questions to assets.
- It will show up 2 options --
- Company assets.
- Cloud assets
Clicking on any of the two will open a pop up asking the user to select the folder he wants to add the question to. Select folder dropdown will show a list of all the folders that exist in company or cloud assets.
After selecting the folder, clicking on ok will simply add the question to company or cloud assets.
To Import Questions from Assets, clicking Import questions from assets will directly open the Assets page, showing two tabs -- Company and Cloud.
Select one of the tabs depending on where you want to import the question from – the Company Assets or Cloud Assets (see user permission below for this).
Select the question you want to import from a list of all the questions already saved in different folders. Once a question is selected, it will be highlighted.
Click on ‘Add to survey’. The question then gets added in the question list displayed in the designer section.
Additionally, there is a search option available which allows users to search for a particular question instead of scrolling.
- User can also select multiple questions using shift + down arrow key and can import multiple questions.
- All the users can import from both, Company and Cloud.
Note: Not every user can use both the features of adding and importing and it is based on user permission.
Permissions for Cloud Assets:
Only the users having RebusCloud subscription can make any addition to Cloud Assets. The other users (users not from RebusCloud subscription) cannot make any addition to Cloud Assets.
Permissions for Company Assets:
These are the personal set of assets owned by a Company. If a particular Company user creates a subscription, he will be able to both Add and Import questions from the Company Assets.
Company assets are unique for each Company subscription. All the users from the same Company will be able to view and change the questions in the Company assets for that Company.
To learn more about manage assets, please Refer Section Manage Survey Assets.