Chart properties helps in formatting the chart. A chart consists of individual elements whose properties you can change independently of one another. Some of the element properties are layout settings such as colour, font, data labels & many more as listed below.
This article explains all the chart properties available. After creating a chart type (click to refer) user can change the properties listed below. Column chart is considered as an example.
1. Axis:
Clicking on Axis will open a drop down listing all the axis names X, and Y. Clicking on the names of any of these axis, the user can alter the properties of that axis as mentioned below:
When X-axis is selected, a right panel appears containing the fields and drop downs for this property.
- Show X: Uncheck this will remove the x axis.
- Show X Axis Line: Uncheck will remove the x axis line.
- X Text Direction: Contains three positions in the drop down that are 0, 90 and 270. Selecting these will change the direction of the x-axis text as circled in red in the chart below.
- X Axis Prefix: Prefixes can be added to the x axis by entering in this field.
- X Axis Suffix: Suffix can be added to the x axis by entering in this field.
- X Axis Sort: This field contains a drop down with Ascending, Descending and default order. Sorting can be applied to the x-axis scaling.
- Show X Axis labels: Uncheck will remove the x-axis labels.
- X Axis Label Font Size: It will change the font size of the x axis label.
When Y-axis is selected, a right panel appears containing the fields and drop downs for this property. You can define the properties of both Primary Y-axis and Secondary Y-axis.
Properties of Primary Y-Axis:
- Show Y1: Unchecking this will remove the Y1 axis.
- Show Grid Lines: Unchecking this will remove the grid lines from the chart.
- Y1 Target Line: Entering a value will draw a target line on the Y1 axis.
- Y1 Min: Minimum value of scaling can be specified in this field for Y1-axis. If entered 10 then the Y1- axis will start from 10.
- Y1 Max: Maximum value of scaling can be specified in this field for Y1-axis.
- Y1 Major Interval: Intervals of scaling can be set within this field.
- Show Y1 Axis Line: Unchecking this will hide the Y1-axis line.
- Y1 Axis Prefix: Prefixes can be added to the scaling of Y1-axis by entering it into this field.
- Y1 Axis Suffix: Suffixes can be added to the scaling of secondary Y-axis by entering it into this field.
- Show Y1 Axis labels: Unchecking this will remove the Y1-axis labels.
- Y1 Axis Label Font Size: It will change the font size of the Y1- axis label.
Properties of Secondary Y-Axis:
Secondary Y-axis will only show if you change an existing series to some other chart type.
- Show Y2: Unchecking this will remove the Y2 axis.
- Y2 Target Line: Entering a value will draw a target line on the Y2 axis.
- Y2 Min: Minimum value of scaling can be specified in this field for Y2-axis. If entered 10 then the Y2- axis will start from 10.
- Y2 Max: Maximum value of scaling can be specified in this field for Y2-axis.
- Y2 Major Interval: Intervals of scaling can be set within this field.
- Show Y2 Axis Line: Unchecking this will hide the Y1-axis line.
- Y2 Axis Suffix: Suffixes can be added to the scaling of secondary Y2-axis by entering it into this field.
- Show Y2 Axis labels: Unchecking will remove the Y2-axis labels.
- Y2 Axis Label Font Size: It will change the font size of the Y2- axis label.
2. Data Point:
This option allows customised options for only a selected data point.
When the user selects a data point from the created chart i.e. Double click on the series (as highlighted) to highlight the 'Data point' option present in the top panel of the page.
Clicking will open a panel on the right with three options mentioned below:-
- Show Values: selecting this option will display the score over the selected data point.
- Show Series Name: Selecting this option will display the series name over the selected data point.
- Show Category Name: Selecting this option will display the category name over the selected data point.
- Data Point Color: The colour can also be selected as desired by choosing the colours from the Data point colour option.
- Label Suffix: Suffixes can be added to the label.
- Label Prefix: Prefix can be added to the label.
3. Data Labels:
This option is applicable to all the data points. Clicking on this option a right panel appears with three options:-
- Show Values: selecting this option will display the score over all the data points.
- Show Series Name: Selecting this option will display the series name over all the data points.
- Show Category Name: Selecting this option will display the category name over each data point in the chart.
- Font Size: User can change the font size of the labels shown.
4. Series:
On Selecting a series in the chart, 'Series' option gets highlighted and clicking on it will open a right panel showing the following options:-
- Series Color: The colour of the selected series can be chosen from this option.
- Series Display as: This option contains a drop-down with four options that are Series, Column, area and Stack. Any of these options can be selected to display the selected Series. Selecting Line will change the series as a Line chart type.
- Series y-axis: Any of the Y-axis series can be selected from this option be it primary or secondary from the available drop-down.
- Series Data Prefix: Prefix can be added to the series.
- Series Data Suffix: Suffixes can be added to the series.
- Highlight Data Greater than: A data point can be entered in this field above which the series will be highlighted (as shown below).
- Highlight data Less than: A data point can be entered in this field below which the series will be highlighted.
- Highlight Last point if: User can specify the value of the last data point, and if that value is met, it will get highlighted.
5. Category:
Clicking on the Category name displayed on the x-axis will highlight the Category option present in the top panel. Clicking on this option will open up a right panel which will contain the below mentioned options.
- Category Colour: Category colour can be defined by choosing a colour from this field.
- Category Annotation: Category Annotation can be specified by entering text or numeric into this particular field.
- Category Data Prefix: Prefix can be added to the category.
- Category Data Suffix: Suffixes can be added to the category.
6. Titles:
Titles can be assigned on the axis by clicking on the “Titles” option present in the top panel.
When this option is selected a right panel appears with the following options:-
- Show X Axis Title: Check/Uncheck the check-box to show/hide the X-axis title.
- X Axis Title: X-axis name can be specified within this field.
- Show Primary Y Axis Title: Check/Uncheck the checkbox to show/hide primary Y1 axis title.
- Primary Y Axis Title: Primary Y1 axis name can be specified within this field.
- Show Secondary Y Axis Title: Check/Uncheck the checkbox to show/hide secondary Y2 axis title.
- Secondary Y Axis Title: Secondary Y2 axis name can be specified within this field.
7. Legend:
This option allows the user to Show/hide legend names.
- Checking the 'Show Legend' option will show the legends in the chart.
- User can also change the legend position by selecting between 'bottom' and 'right' and the legends will be displayed accordingly.