Creating folders inside a collection helps the user to organise the different analysis created in collections.

To create a folder, first select the Collection you want to create the folder in. 

Click on 'New Folder' (highlighted in red). 

The New Folder gets created and highlighted in blue for the Sample Collection as shown above. 

Any analysis created (the folder should be selected before creating the analysis), will automatically show under this new folder. 

Users can also drag any other analysis under this new folder.

To edit or delete the folder, hover on the folder. There will be 2 icons displayed - one for edit and one for delete.(highlighted in red). Clicking on the edit icon, will highlight the folder, where you can change the name of the folder. Clicking on Delete will delete the folder.

Warning: If the folder is deleted, all the analysis under the folder will also get deleted. To avoid this, the user can drag the analysis he wants outside the folder and then delete it.