You can apply Rich Text properties in both question text and Option text to make the options/questions look different and as per your requirement. With the help of Rich Text functionality, you can change the font styles, look of the text etc. for any Option text or Question text.
Applying Rich text properties to Question Text
To apply rich text properties to question text, right click on the Question Text in middle pane and click on Rich Text.
Rich Text pop-up will appear.
Apply Rich text properties available within the pop-up as per your requirement and Click on “Set”.
Your rich text properties will get applied to the question text and will reflect in the middle pane.
Applying Rich text properties to Option text
To apply rich text properties to Option text, click on the Option Setting icon.
After clicking on setting icon, click on Rich text.
Rich text pop-up will appear.
Apply the required rich text properties to your option text and click on Set. Your properties will be applied to the Option text.